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=== Overview ===
=== Overview ===
No matter how desperate a situation may seem, the songs of the Clowns  will inspire you to achieve a miraculous victory. Despite the name, the Clown is a serious factor in any battle—not just because of his ability to keep spirits high but because of his astounding archery skills as well.

Taught new songs by the gods themselves, Clowns are now a powerful class. They are able to enchant the enemy with different music and deal large amounts of damage with Arrow Vulcan skill. Clown can also give half their stats to a supported character enabling the supported fighter to increase their damage. This job is known as Minstrel in other localizations

=== Class Data ===
=== Class Data ===

Revision as of 02:32, 11 March 2025


   This is a contribution by players, for players, if you wish to correct and/or contribute any additional information or material please contact me via discord lemegeton..

Archer Class
Job Info
Base Job:Novice
Job Type:First
Skills: 5
Platinum Skills: 2
Bonus stats at Job 50
AGI:+3 | VIT:+1 | INT:+2 | DEX:+7 | LUK:+2


Archers are experts at long-range combat with Bows and Arrows. Their range gives them several advantages, which include:

  • The ability to change the element of their weapon quickly by changing their arrow type. This makes Archers able to exploit elemental advantages easily.
  • Accuracy and damage are increased by the same stat (DEX), allowing all attacks to connect and deal a lot damage.
  • Range enables archers to defeat stationary or slow-moving opponents that are stronger than they are without being hit.

Drawbacks of the Archer class include:

  • Low VIT limits their ability to survive when they are caught up in melee situations.
  • Require Arrows for every attack with a Bow. Running out of arrows in a firefight can make an Archer useless.

Class Data

Skill Description Levels Type
ArrowShowerIcon.png Arrow Shower Deal up to 125% damage to targets in a 5*5 area around target. 10 Offensive
DoubleStrafeIcon.png Double Strafe Deal up to 380% damage to a single target. 10 Offensive
ImproveConcentrationIcon.png Improve Concentration Increase DEX and AGI by up to 12% for a duration. Uncovers hidden enemies in a 3*3 area when activated. 10 Supportive
OwlsEyeIcon.png Owl's Eye Increases DEX by up to 10. 10 Passive
VulturesEyeIcon.png Vulture's Eye Increases range and HIT when using bows. 10 Passive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
ArrowCraftingIcon.png Arrow Crafting Create arrows from various items. 1 Active
ArrowRepelIcon.png Arrow Repel Shoot a target to inflict 150% damage and push it back 6 cells. 1 Offensive

Leveling Spots & Tips

As Archer

Opinions are divided, but, usually it is advisable to raise Double Strafing in first place and move forward with the branch of skills, so that in last place Improve Concentration is raised, without forgetting that Arrow Shower should be raised as the last skill, we are talking about priority skills to raise, arrow shower at least at this time lacks utility compared to other skills.

Archer's Leveling Route:
Monsters Recommended level End level Notes Map

12 30
  1. In first levels, beware of poporings, Familiar can be a bit annoying.
  2. Silver Arrows, almost everything is undead.
Area: Payon Cave

- Payon Cave F1

12 30 Since spores give Strawberry and Blue herbs it is quite useful to get SP resources. Area: Payon Field

- Payon Field 1

Archer Skeleton
Soldier Skeleton
35 50
  1. Loot valuable in general for early levels, apple of archer is useful and Skeleton cards have their market.
  2. Be careful not to kill more than 1 at a time in the beginning.
  3. Nice loot and cards for Archer class.
  4. Silver Arrows needed.
Area: Payon Forest

- pay_dun0

30 50
  1. Wolves have a huge source of consumables both sp and hp, so it is an excellent area to leveling, unfortunately the initial zeny is not very useful.
  2. Fire Arrows.
Area: Payon Forest

- Pay_fild02

40 60
  1. The experience is decent, beware of the only nine tail on the map.
  2. Silver Arrows
Area: Payon Cave

- Payon Cave F3

40 60+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Keep a distance of at least 3 cells and you will be safe.
  3. It is not recommended to kill more than 1 at a time in early levels or without SP.
  4. You can easily reach Einbroch if you buy a teleport scroll at the Gold Shop.

- Einbroch Field

Mi Gao  
40 60+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Keep a distance.
  3. In first levels, always give priority to kill Mantis close to you.
  4. You can easily reach Louyang if you buy a teleport scroll at the Gold Shop, or going Alberta.

- Louyang Field

Gear Progression

Start by buying a Composite Bow (2,500z) at Payon's armory, hold steady until you have enough for at least a Cross Bow (17,000z), then you can upgrade to a Gakkung Bow (42,000z) or you can simply save enough zeny Better Bow once you change classes.

Job 40 or higher

To change class you must at least be job 41 (40 is necessary but 41 is recommended) and be able to upgrade most of the mandatory skills for your class, once you are reborn you can choose to upgrade Arrow Shower to level 9, but again, it is optional.


As Bard

Job Info
Base Job:
Job Type:
Skills: 5
Platinum Skills: 2
Bonus stats at Job 50
AGI:+7 | VIT:+3 | INT:+5 | DEX:+9 | LUK:+4

Bard is a job mainly focused on support. This job is only available if you are an Archer and male, if the character is female then you can become a Dancer. Bard is able to create areas around him that inspire the targets (allies and enemies around him) to receive upgrades that favorably increase the performance of each player within the area.

It is recommended that you play as a DPS and level up similar to a hunter, since as a Bard you will have a much more generous SP pool, and going up by killing Double Strafe can be quite comfortable.

If you are playing in groups you can focus on optimizing a support build, if this is not the case consider the first option.

Regardless of what type of Bard you choose, prioritize uploading Musical Lesson, as this skill significantly improves the performance of your support songs.

Class Data

Skill Description Levels Type
AmpIcon.png Amp Cancels active Performance Skill the caster is performing. 1 Active
EncoreIcon.png Encore Recast the last Performance Skill that was cast at half of the SP cost. 1 Active
ImpressiveRiffIcon.png Impressive Riff Increases ASPD of all players in the 7x7 area of effect. 10 Active
MagicStringsIcon.png Magic Strings Reduces Cast Time and Cast Delay of skills used inside the 7x7 area of effect. 10 Active
MelodyStrikeIcon.png Melody Strike Use an instrument-class weapon to do ranged damage to a single target. 5 Offensive
MusicLessonsIcon.png Music Lessons Increases damage with Instruments, Movement Speed while singing and the effect of certain Performance Skills. 10 Passive
PerfectTablatureIcon.png Perfect Tablature Raises Flee Rate and Perfect Dodge of all players in the 7x7 area of effect. 10 Active
SongOfLutieIcon.png Song of Lutie Increases the Max HP of all players in the area of effect. 10 Active
UnbarringOctaveIcon.png Unbarring Octave Freeze monsters and party members within caster's view by chance. 5 Active
UnchainedSerenadeIcon.png Unchained Serenade Hits enemies in a 9x9 area with a slow sonic attack, piercing their defense. 5 Offensive

Leveling As Bard


Bard's Leveling Route:
Monsters Recommended level End level Notes Map


30+ 86+
  1. Moskovia Dungeon Quest Needed
  2. Fire Arrow
  3. Keep all sharp leafs, they are useful for repeatable quests.
Area: mosk_dun01

- Les Forest

50 69
  1. Adventurers Guild Quest.
  2. Fire Arrow Needed
  3. Hunt Porcellio & Noxious, maybe you are lucky and you can sell those cards.
Area: ein_dun01

- Einbech Mine Dungeon 1F

35 70
  1. Watch out for the only ninetails on the map.
  2. Repeteable Quest (Dokebi Hunt & Dokebi Horns).
  3. Silver Arrows needed.

- Payon Forest

60 86+
  1. Much more difficult than Les if you are not careful, be careful all the mob is aggressive here, the Harpy's are your biggest danger always avoid them.
  2. Fire Arrows.
  3. Huge & Sharp Leafare needed for repeteable quest.

- Luluka Forest

Enchanted Peach Tree
Zipper Bear
60 85+
  1. Zeny $_$
  2. Fire Arrows

- Shrine of Gonryun Queen

80+ 95+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Insane zeny.
  3. Spam DS, ignore uzhas and babas.
  4. You can farm here until you reborn and you will be rich.
  5. Blue herbs helps a lot.

- Les Forest

80+ 95+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Anolian Skins for repeteable quest.
  3. Adventurers Guild quest.
  4. Oridecon farm.

- Zenhai Marsh

80+ 95+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Huge Leafs & Sharp Leafs
  3. Adventurers Guild Quest.
  4. New World Quest needed.

- - Splendide Field

70+ 95+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Glove [1]
  3. Kinda hard to find
  4. Fire Arrow needed

- Glast Heim Culvert F3

70+ 95+
  1. Witched Stardsand can be sold to Alchemist (check /alchemist !!!)
  2. Silver Arrow
  3. Santa porings are really cheap so you can easly make a good bow and OHKO.
  4. Kinda hard to find.

- Clock Tower B4

Recommended Gear Progression (As Newbie)

Adventurers Guild

The adventurers set is an own set of the server, it is almost free, the only requirement is to perform the quests it has for you.

It is divided into three tiers, doubling its cost each time, getting the complete set without the weapon has a value of 20, 40 and 80.

We recommend getting the set as it is account bound and you can use it on your next characters, it is not tradeable.

You can replace the bow for any option that suits you better, it is just a suggestion and it is NOT mandatory to have the weapon of the set to take advantage of the benefits.

LEVEL RANGE SET Stats Bonus Weapon
Level 20 ~ 60
Eden Hat.png
Adventurer Hat l

Eden Uniform.png
Adventurer Uniform l

Eden Manteau.png
Adventurer Manteau l

Eden Boots.png
Adventurer Boots l

  • Defense +15
  • All stats+1
  • Attack +10
  • Magic Attack+30
  • Add 3% resistance against all property attacks
  • Max HP +5%
Grants an additional 10% experience gained

Adventurer Bow I
  • Attack +60
  • Increase physical and magical damage to normal monster by 10%.
  • After base level 61, effects will not work.

Level 61~85
Eden Hat.png
Adventurer Hat ll

Eden Uniform.png
Adventurer Uniform ll

Eden Manteau.png
Adventurer Manteau ll

Eden Boots.png
Adventurer Boots ll

  • Defense +20
  • SP +50
  • All stats+1
  • Attack +15
  • Magic Attack+45
  • Add 5% resistance against all property attacks
  • Max SP +5%
  • Max HP +5%
Grants an additional 10% experience gained

Adventurer Bow II
Between LV61~85:
  • Attack +90
  • Increase physical and magical damage to normal monster by 10%.
  • After base level 86, effects will not work.
Level 85~98
Eden Hat.png
Adventurer Hat lll

Eden Uniform.png
Adventurer Uniform lll

Eden Manteau.png
Adventurer Manteau lll

Eden Boots.png
Adventurer Boots lll

  • Defense +26
  • Max HP+500
  • Max SP+50
  • All stats+2
  • Attack +20
  • Magic Attack+60
  • Add 7% resistance against all property attacks
  • Max SP +5%
  • Max HP +5%
Grants an additional 10% experience gained

Adventurer Bow III
  • Attack +120
  • Increase physical and magical damage to normal monster by 20%.
  • After base level 99, effects will not work.

Build Examples

Pure DS Build

STR: 1

AGI: 90-99 (varies)

VIT: 1

INT Varies (You can choose more int for more SP Pool)

DEX: 120+ (99 base)

LUK: 1

Basically a build with high dex, decent aspd and depending on the need, a good source of SP, I recommend about 50 sp to be able to spam enough DS, and with an aspd of at least 171.
It is recommended to get the adventure set as fast as possible.

Ancient WoE | Support Build

STR: 1

AGI: 30 (varies)

VIT: 97-100

INT 120

DEX: 60

LUK: 1

Equipment detailed below.
This is considering all stats, buffs and equipment. Ancient WoE has limitations so it is easy to arm yourself, you can also use these stats as support and level up your bard, INT is recommended over DEX as int reduces the After Cast Delay and dex reduces the casting time.
97 vit for anti-stun and 100 vit to square another hp bonus.

Reference Builds

Some simple builds before rebrith

Low-cost Build (*) Ancient WoE (**) Suggested Build (*)
BardBuild1.png Bardbuild2.png BardBuild3.png

(*)These are recommendations for people who do not have that much knowledge of the job, if you think they are below average, it is because you are not the target player of these small guides.
(**) About Ancient WoE, there is not much to contribute, there are preferences, this is just a simple guide for those who want a reference and have never played this format.


Sniper Class
Job Info
Base Job: Bard
Job Type: 2-2 Transcendent
Skills: 4
Platinum Skills: 1 (As Bard)
Bonus stats at Job 70
AGI: + | VIT: + | INT: + | DEX: + | LUK: +


No matter how desperate a situation may seem, the songs of the Clowns will inspire you to achieve a miraculous victory. Despite the name, the Clown is a serious factor in any battle—not just because of his ability to keep spirits high but because of his astounding archery skills as well.

Taught new songs by the gods themselves, Clowns are now a powerful class. They are able to enchant the enemy with different music and deal large amounts of damage with Arrow Vulcan skill. Clown can also give half their stats to a supported character enabling the supported fighter to increase their damage. This job is known as Minstrel in other localizations

Class Data

Notable Skills


We recommend following a similar route to Hunter, with the particularity that now you can use sharp shooting to kill groups of enemies instead of one.

From level 90 we recommend:

  • New World, Tatachos, using Ankle Snare and fire arrows.
  • Nameless, Banshees, Bathory card almost mandatory and silver arrows.
  • Thor Volcano, it is indispensable to have a High Priest of double count and a pasana card in armor.
  • Perform adv guild missions from level 90 of high difficulty.
  • Partys in groups on demand.

Suggested Builds

Recommendations: Always balance your DEX in multiplies of 10, for example if you get 155 dex, try to keep it at 160, otherwise, 150 and those points go to LUK or INT.

I recommend balancing the DEX first, then AGI and so you can allocate specific ASPD bonuses and not lose stats.

Low-cost Build (*) Green Salad only. Suggested Build (**) Green Salad Only Starter WoE Build
Clown1.png Clown2.png Clown3.png

These are only suggested items that can be obtained by interacting with npcs from the server without the need of a third party, there are better alternatives via cash shop or trades with players, but we are focusing on something where the only limitation is you as a player.

(*) Low-cost Build: Orc Archer Bow is highly recommended if you have access to a dual login sage to use endow.
Card: Porcellio, Dragon Tail, Male Thief bug, Zerom Card. Cash Items: Robo Eyes & Pencil are from Battlegrounds coupons.
(**) Suggested Build: Mikaasa's Scarf is a very strong item available through Battlegrounds or cash shop. It increases not only DEX but also range damage, critical and against Boss Monsters.