Tips & Info

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General information about leveling

First of all, there are a couple of adjustments and " facilities " to be considered in Adventure RO, and it is better to be clear about them from the beginning.

Imagen 2023-11-09 195222557.png
  • The level difference to share experience is 15 levels, keep this in mind for leveling groups.
  • There is Reset NPC on this server, which is COMPLETELY free as long as you are less than or equal to base level 70 (Includes stats and skills).
  • Repeatable experience quests are available on this server, but consider that just like any quest, the experience for them is x6.
  • Adventurers Guild It is a feature of the server, it has a lot of efficient suggestions of places for leveling or hunting and facilities like basic equipment that you can get through missions.
  • The server has floating rates, however, this only applies to the experience you receive from killing mobs, quests of any kind do not apply.
  • Up to 3 clients per computer are allowed, consider this.
  • The VIP ticket increases the experience received by 17%, this does not apply to quests, it also protects you from losing experience when you die, if you plan to do a long leveling session, I recommend to consider getting one over the experience manual (25% for 30 minutes).

Zeny Making Guide

Zeny is one of the principal currencies in AdventuresRo. So farm it is essential to unleash the full potential of the equipment and our character. Thats why we're going to make an aproximation about the best of the best places to farm it properly, the best practices and bases to make a real farm system.

  1. Raw zeny
  2. Trades with players
  3. Events
  4. Gachapon
  5. Bonus prizes for donations

Raw Zeny

What is the raw zeny?: The Raw zeny is knowed as the basic mechanic of farm items and sell them directly to an NPC. Having sometimes abysmal differences between some jobs and some builds. We need to consider a few questions before start, there are 6 basic aspects you should have in mind before start to farm and know which job can be the best option for your farm style.

Tool dealer in all cities

Small theory of selling items

  1. Speed of farm: How much time are you gonna spend for kill a monster and get the item you’re looking for?
  2. Value of the item: How much is the value of the item you’re gonna sell to the NPC?
  3. Drop of item: What is the % of an item to be dropped for a mob?
  4. Mob: What is the element, race, size, HP, DEF, difficult of the monster?
  5. Map: How to get in? Is easy? Need quest? Requirments?
  6. Cost-benefit: Is worth the farm system I’m using to get Raw Zeny?

Selling items

Selling items to a NPC, is pretty easy, you only go for some items and sell directly to the NPC to get zeny. There are so many NPC’s that buy all stuff in the game. This NPC’s are in all cities and are distinguished for the icon upper head of all.

Theory about farm jobs

Job Master (prontera, 144,197)

Theorically, all jobs are maded to do everything on the game, that means, you can kill mobs, do quest, play a roll in a party, kill MvP's and in this case, farming. Having this in mind theres also some jobs that can farm some mobs easily than others. With this in mind, we can start to think about a class that's going to be our prefered class to farm, but this doesn't mean you can only play 1 class to farm everything, you can also try new builds, improve some techniques and even, choose new jobs to do a farm system.

You can see a condesated information about the jobs, but we must insist, the versatility of some jobs are long way bigger than this recopilation.

Class Features Special for
Imagen 2024-08-22 041900159.png

Unique Job can reach job lvl 99.

Many of 1st job class job skills.

Specialized unique equip.

Link provide special equip features.


Not tankers.

Farm with magical attacks.

Reach 150 DEX.

Can improve some mechanics with 1st job lvls.

Linked can use many equips of other classes.


  • Regardless of the class you have chosen, you should ALWAYS create a merchant class, Overcharge & Discount allow you to sell your items more expensive and buy cheaper from an NPC by 24%. It is mandatory to have these skills at level 10.
  • In the beginning try to prioritize places where the benefit is higher, for example High orcs and pasanas are very similar in difficulty, but the amount of Zeny you can get in Pasanas is much higher and the equipment needed is the same.
  • There is a "favorites" tab in your inventory, and it is possible to assign in this tab all the items that you do NOT want to sell, as it has a lock to avoid selling them to npc.

Trades with players

  • NEVER be shy to ask for the value of an item if you are not sure, use the #trade channel in the game or contact a Mentor, it is always good to have a reference.
  • Check periodically the @whosell and @iteminfo stores are very practical commands to know the market reference price.


  • Seasonal events are an excellent way to get zeny easily, usually the currency of the event is sold at a very high price the first days of the event, use this to your advantage, sometimes letting the items pass a couple of days can be better.
  • The event coins are a permanent currency, take advantage of the automatic events.
  • BG although it is not an event as such, it is a fairly simple income, you just have to meet the level requirement and play, then you can sell the medals, THE EQUIPMENT AND THE PRIZES ARE NOT TRADEABLE.
  • The rotating events like enriched elunium or card recycler are an excellent source of income, keep your Elunium, Oridecon and 2carat diamando safe for this occasion, many times veteran players will try to buy your "useless" cards at a low price, if someone needs them, it's for a reason ;)


Bonus prizes for donation

Potion Making

In Alberta, in the Merchants guild, there is an NPC that allows you to exchange your herbs for potions, although it is known that an Alchemist specialized in brewing for a player who does not have this character or is just starting this NPC gives a huge comfort and advantage.

/navi alberta_in 17/28

Old Pharmacist (alberta_in 17, 28)

Potion Type Ingredients
501.png Red Potion
  • 507.png 2 Red Herb
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 3 Zeny
502.png Orange Potion
  • 507.png 1 Red Herb
  • 508.png 1 Yellow Herb
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 5 Zeny
503.png Yellow Potion
  • 508.png 2 Yellow Herb
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 10 Zeny
504.png White Potion
  • 509.png 2 White herbs
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 20 Zeny
505.png Blue Potion
  • 510.png 2 Blue Herb
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 30 Zeny
506.png Green Potion
  • 511.png 2 Green Herb
  • 713.png 1 Empty Bottle
  • 3 Zeny