Carnival 2025 Event

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Carnival 2025 Event is a seasonal event commemorating the holiday.

The event has a unique implementation phase and a duration of two weeks, held from February 24,2025 to March 09, 2025.

Special Summons

During the event an exclusive carnival mob will make their appearance.

Image ID Name Level HP Element Race Class Exp/Jexp (x1) Def/Mdef Attack Mode Normal Drop Global Drop (all active players) MvP Drop (Killer) Spawn
31670 Carnival Toucan 58 8054 Wind Brute Monster 2387 / 1361 37/30 444-565 Non-Attacker 50% chance of obtaining one of the following items: Black Feather, Blue Feather, Green Feather, Pink Feather, Purple Feather, Red Feather, White Feather, Yellow Feather. 10% chance of obtaining Rainbow Feather None None x10: each 5 minutes in dungeons and fields maps

Exclusive Quests

During this event it will be possible to craft the following limited edition items:

Note: All items are account bound and can't be traded.

Using Colored Feathers

Picture Name Type Quest
Rainbow feather.bmp Rainbow Feather Etc x1 Black Feather, x1 Blue Feather, x1 Green Feather, x1 Pink Feather, x1 Purple Feather, x1 Red Feather, x1 White Feather, x1 Yellow Feather
410115.png Costume Intake Hair (BLK) Middle x150 Black Feather
410111.png Costume Intake Hair (BLU) Middle x150 Blue Feather
410114.png Costume Intake Hair (GRN) Middle x150 Green Feather
410117.png Costume Intake Hair (ORG) Middle x150 Red Feather
410118.png Costume Intake Hair (PRP) Middle x150 Pink Feather
410112.png Costume Intake Hair (RED) Middle x150 Red Feather
410116.png Costume Intake Hair (WHT) Middle x150 White Feather
410113.png Costume Intake Hair (YLW) Middle x150 Yellow Feather
GreenFeathersCoat.bmp Costume Green Feather Coat Lower x1000 Green Feather
OrangeFeathersCoat.bmp Costume Orange Feather Coat Lower x1000 Red Feather
PurpleFeathersCoat.bmp Costume Purple Feather Coat Lower x1000 Pink Feather
RedFeathersCoat.bmp Costume Red Feather Coat Lower x1000 Red Feather

Using Rainbow Feathers

Picture Name Position Quest
19874.png Costume Carnival Circlet Upper x25 Rainbow Feather
400144.png Costume Glory Symbol Upper x25 Rainbow Feather
19873.png Costume Carnival Hat Upper x50 Rainbow Feather
ºê¶óÁúº£·¹¸ð.bmp Costume Brazilian Beret Upper x100 Rainbow Feather
31807.png Costume Cyber Peacock Upper x250 Rainbow Feather
31445.png Costume Feather Fedora Upper x250 Rainbow Feather
31144.png Costume Indi Feather Band Upper x250 Rainbow Feather
20380.png Costume Mechanical Feather Hat Upper x250 Rainbow Feather
420071.png Costume Feather Stola Lower x350 Rainbow Feather
Blood moon.bmp Costume Bloody Moon Garment x500 Rainbow Feather
C Loli Ruri Moon B.bmp Costume Crescent Moon Blue Garment x500 Rainbow Feather
Silver moon.bmp Costume Silver Moon Garment x500 Rainbow Feather
C Samba Carnival.png Costume Samba Carnival Garment x1000 Rainbow Feather

Using Colored Feathers and other items

Picture Name Position Quest
Blue magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (BLU) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 Blue Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Green magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (GRN) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 Green Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Pink magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (PNK) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 Pink Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Purple magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (PRP) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 Purple Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Red magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (RED) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 Red Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
White magestic goat.bmp Costume Majestic Goat (WHT) Upper x1 Majestic Goat, x300 White Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Brown fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (BRN) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 Black Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Green fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (GRN) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 Green Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Grey fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (GRY) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 White Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Purple fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (PRP) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 Purple Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Red fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (RED) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 Red Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny
Yellow fberet.bmp Costume Feather Beret (YLW) Upper x1 Feather Beret, x300 Yellow Feather, x5,000,000 Zeny