Biolab F4

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Extra Episode (EE) 1 - 2 Bio Lab Basement Floor 4.


Adventures Ro is pleased to announce the adaptation of Bio Lab Basement Floor 4, known as our Extra Episode 1-1 (EE 1-1).
This is an ADAPTATION from Renewal to Pre-Renewal, content, effects, skills, enemies, among others, were adjusted to provide the most faithful experience possible to our players.


Considered as the most recent High-End Game content. A new game experience for all the most adventurous and brave players. This new game experience will be for the most experienced players, recommendations are varied:

  • Enemies are mainly DEMIHUMAN, except Champion and Stalker.
  • All enemies have the same amount of VIT, 30. Acid demonstration may not be as effective as in Bio Lab 3.
  • Damage-reducing cards from specific races (Demihuman/Demon). Medium-sized cards such as Hodremlin, Ogretooth and/or Neutral can be key to survival.

New Content

New Enemies

Image ID Name Level HP Race/Element/Size Base/Job Exp Drop
// /

New Cards

Image ID Effect
4521 Card

Compound on: