War of Emperium Second Edition EP11.3

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Revision as of 02:01, 31 January 2025 by Lemegeton (talk | contribs) (→‎Extras)
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The WOE EP 11.3 is a new-old format for WoE 2.0 respecting for the most part the mechanics and equipment of episode 11.3 with minor exceptions to give a balance for the current conditions of competition on the server.


The War of Emperium Second Edition in Adventures RO have the following configuration:


  • Emperium, barricades and control stones will have classic configuration.


  • Participation: Official Guild Approval Guild Skill is required.
  • Minimum Guild Cap: 8 players per Guild
  • Maximum Guild Cap: 16 players per Guild
  • The skills Gospel and Loki's Veil are disabled.
  • Support/Secondary Guilds and Alliances are not allowed.
  • 3rd/4th Class Skins, Pets, Kafra cards, Tool Dealer Bell and Mounts (Boarding Halter) do not work inside the Castle.
  • No items from the ban list.

Ban List

None of the following items and features are allowed (in addition to the above restrictions):

  • Gachapon Items (No Tier A or S).
  • No Cash Shop items except Exceptions.
  • Armor Enchant from NPC Apprentice Craftsman (since it is content after 11.3).
  • Random Options.
  • MvP and Miniboss (Editor's Note: I need confirmation on Salamander and Gemini card**)
  • No Siege equipment or consumables (potions, suit, robes, etc).
  • No Battle sets (Ninja, Gunslinger and/or Soul Linker sets).
  • No rental items, from any store.
  • NO BG equipment.

Item Ban List:


 1178#Schweizersabel[2] - EP12
 1179#Executioner[1] - EP12
 1180#Dragon Slayer[2] - EP12
 1181#Tegron[2] - EP12
 1182#Bloody Eater[2] - EP12
 1185#Violet Fear[2] - EP12
 1275#Katar of Frozen Icicle[3] - EP12
 1276#Katar of Quaking[3] - EP12
 1277#Katar of Raging Blaze[3] - EP12
 1278#Katar of Piercing Wind[3] - EP12
 1309#Orcish Axe[4] - EP12
 1538#Spike[2] - EP12
 1539#Golden Mace[2] - EP12
 1540#Grand Cross[1] - EP12
 1541#Nemesis - EP12
 1568#Book of Billows[3] - EP12
 1569#Book of Mother Earth[3] - EP12
 1570#Book of the Blazing Sun[3] - EP12
 1571#Book of Gust of Wind[3] - EP12
 1572#Principles of Magic[2] - EP12
 1573#Ancient Magic[2] - EP12
 1629#Gentleman Cane - EP12
 1630#Release of Wish - EP12
 1631#Holy Stick [1] - EP12
 1636#Thorn Staff of Darkness [0] - EP12
 1736#Double Bound[3] - EP12
 1737#Ixion Wings[1] - EP12
 1922#Oriental Lute[2] - EP12
 1976#Queen`s Whip[2] - EP12
 2128#Sacred Mission[1] - EP12
 2129#Exorcism Bible - EP12
 2130#Cross Shield - EP12
 2131#Magic Bible Vol1[1] - EP12
 2371#Pantie[1] - EP12
 2372#Mage Coat[1] - EP12
 2373#Holy Robe[1] - EP12
 2374#Diabolus Robe - EP12
 2375#Diabolus Armor - EP12
 2432#High Heels[1] - EP12
 2433#Diabolus Boots - EP12
 2434#Black Leather Boots[1] - EP12
 2523#Undershirt[1] - EP12
 2536#Skin of Ventus - EP12
 2537#Diabolus Manteau - EP12
 2542#Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger - EP12
 2715#Skull Ring[1] - EP12
 2716#Librarian Glove[1] - EP12
 2717#Pocket Watch - EP12
 2718#Luna Brooch - EP12
 2719#Iron Wrist - EP12
 2726#Icarus Wings - EP12
 2727#Renown Archer Scarf - EP12
 2728#Cursed Hand - EP12
 2729#Diabolus Ring - EP12
 2730#Seal of Continental Guard - EP12
 2731#Morroc Charm Stone - EP12
 2732#Morroc Ring - EP12
 5805#Dark Bacillum - EP12
 13030#Dragon Killer[2] - EP12
 13031#Swordbreaker[3] - EP12
 13032#Mailbreaker[3] - EP12
 13033#Assassin Dagger[1] - EP12
 13034#Desert Twilight[2] - EP12
 13035#Desert Wind[4] - EP12
 13412#Twin Edge of Naght Sieger[3] - EP12
 13413#Twin Edge of Naght Sieger[3] - EP12


 1186#Death Guidance[2] - EP13.1
 1483#Ivory Lance[1] - EP13.1
 1484#Cardo[1] - EP13.1
 1485#Battle Fork[4] - EP13.1
 1544#Lunakaligo[3] - EP13.1
 1637#Eraser - EP13.1
 1740#Nephentes Bow[2] - EP13.1
 1741#Cursed Lyre[1] - EP13.1
 1825#Horn of Hillslion[3] - EP13.1
 1925#Chello[3] - EP13.1
 1926#Harp of Nephentes[2] - EP13.1
 1979#Stem of Nephentes[2] - EP13.1
 1980#Rope of Balance[3] - EP13.1
 2133#Tournament Shield[1] - EP13.1
 2134#Naga Scale Shield[1] - EP13.1
 2135#Shadow Guard[1] - EP13.1
 2743#Angelic Ring - EP13.1
 2744#Sprint Ring - EP13.1
 2745#Pibguicula Corsage[1] - EP13.1
 2746#Cold Heart - EP13.1
 2747#Black Cat - EP13.1
 2748#Cursed Star - EP13.1
 2749#Linen Glove - EP13.1
 5398#Bone Head[1] - EP13.1
 5399#Mandragora Cap[1] - EP13.1
 2614#Eye of Dullahan - EP13.1
 2620#Rogue Treasure - EP13.1


 1188#Veteran Sword[1] - EP13.2
 1189#Krasnaya[3] - EP13.2
 1284#Krishna[2] - EP13.2
 1285#Chakram[2] - EP13.2
 1311#Vexer Axe[2] - EP13.2
 1384#Veteran Axe[2] - EP13.2
 1385#Bradium Stonehammer - EP13.2
 1387#Giant Axe[1] - EP13.2
 1433#Imperial Spear - EP13.3
 1548#Veteran Hammer[2] - EP13.2
 1643#Dead Tree Cane Staff[1] - EP13.2
 1646#La'cryma Stick[2] - EP13.2
 1647#Croce Staff[1] - EP13.2
 1648#Staff of Bordeaux[1] - EP13.2
 2004#Kronos - EP13.2
 2005#Dea Staff[1] - EP13.2
 2138#Bradium Shield[1] - EP13.2
 2399#Dragon Vest[1] - EP13.2
 2783#Eye Stone Ring[1] - EP13.2
 2787#Waterdrop Brooch[1] - EP13.2
 2788#Bradium Earring[1] - EP13.2
 2789#Bradium Ring[1] - EP13.2
 2790#Bradium Brooch[1] - EP13.2
 4505#Scaraba Card - EP13.3
 4506#Dolomedes Card - EP13.3
 4507#Queen Scaraba Card - EP13.3
 2564#Feral Tail - EP13.3
 2843#Gold Trickle - EP13.3
 2844#Light of El Dicastes - EP13.3
 18103#Mystic Bow - EP13.3


 1191#Alca Bringer - EP13.3
 1196#Chrome Two-Handed Sword - EP13.3
 1433#Imperial Spear - EP13.3
 1930#Green Whistle - EP13.3
 1984#Stem Whip - EP13.3
 2153#Imperial Guard - EP13.3
 2463#Feral Boots - EP13.3
 16020#Red Ether Bag - EP13.3
 4505#Scaraba Card - EP13.3
 4506#Dolomedes Card - EP13.3
 4507#Queen Scaraba Card - EP13.3
 2564#Feral Tail - EP13.3
 2843#Gold Trickle - EP13.3
 2844#Light of El Dicastes - EP13.3


 4521#Sedora Card - EX1
 4522#Sropho Card - EX1
 4523#Pot Dofle Card - EX1
 4524#King Dramoh Card - EX1
 4525#Kraken Card - EX1
 4560#Clown Card - EX1
 4561#Professor Card - EX1
 4562#Champion Card - EX1
 4563#Creator Card - EX1
 4564#Stalker Card - EX1
 4565#Paladin Card - EX1
 4566#Gypsy Card - EX1
 4567#Alphonccio Card - EX1
 4568#Celia Card - EX1
 4569#Chen Card - EX1
 4570#Flamel Card - EX1
 4571#Gertie Card - EX1
 4572#Randel Card - EX1
 4573#Trentini Card - EX1


  • WoE Points: For every minute played players will be able to claim ONE (1) WoE Point.
  • Participation Reward: For participating for more than 30 minutes players will receive x1 Siege Supply Box and x1 Siege Rune Stone.
  • Rewards Catalogue: Consumables, equipment, rentals and costumes available exchanging obtained points.
  • Special Attendance Reward: Guilds that participate in more than 80% of the Season's dates will receive an extra x1 Participation Reward.
  • Castle Rewards: In addition to the Guild Dungeon that each Castle officially owns, new Guild Castle Chests will appear every day with special rewards inside.
  • Winner of the Season: The Guild that has been in possession of the Guild Castle for the most dates, will be able to use it and its benefits for an additional week to the one that would correspond after the end of the Season. In the event that there is a tie in dates, an additional date will be held to make it effective.

Participation rewards, rewards store and more are available at the Guilds Agency located in the southwest building of the Prontera Statue of the God.


  • Guilds with more than EIGHT (8) members may request a one-time claimable Guild Package
  • WoE consumables obtained through Battlegrounds can be used inside Castles.
  • Soul Linker Spirit Scroll is available at Battlegrounds/WoE Shop, which can only be used by Soul Linker Classes to autobuff as well and avoid using a roster slot for it. (MUST BE CONFIRMED)


The fifth season of War of Emperium is coming!

Hall of Fame

This is the podium of those guilds that have won every season of War of Emperium First Edition carried out in Adventures RO: