Bard & Clown

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   This is a contribution by players, for players, if you wish to correct and/or contribute any additional information or material please contact me via discord lemegeton..

Archer Class
Job Info
Base Job:Novice
Job Type:First
Skills: 5
Platinum Skills: 2
Bonus stats at Job 50
AGI:+3 | VIT:+1 | INT:+2 | DEX:+7 | LUK:+2


Archers are experts at long-range combat with Bows and Arrows. Their range gives them several advantages, which include:

  • The ability to change the element of their weapon quickly by changing their arrow type. This makes Archers able to exploit elemental advantages easily.
  • Accuracy and damage are increased by the same stat (DEX), allowing all attacks to connect and deal a lot damage.
  • Range enables archers to defeat stationary or slow-moving opponents that are stronger than they are without being hit.

Drawbacks of the Archer class include:

  • Low VIT limits their ability to survive when they are caught up in melee situations.
  • Require Arrows for every attack with a Bow. Running out of arrows in a firefight can make an Archer useless.

Class Data

Skill Description Levels Type
ArrowShowerIcon.png Arrow Shower Deal up to 125% damage to targets in a 5*5 area around target. 10 Offensive
DoubleStrafeIcon.png Double Strafe Deal up to 380% damage to a single target. 10 Offensive
ImproveConcentrationIcon.png Improve Concentration Increase DEX and AGI by up to 12% for a duration. Uncovers hidden enemies in a 3*3 area when activated. 10 Supportive
OwlsEyeIcon.png Owl's Eye Increases DEX by up to 10. 10 Passive
VulturesEyeIcon.png Vulture's Eye Increases range and HIT when using bows. 10 Passive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
ArrowCraftingIcon.png Arrow Crafting Create arrows from various items. 1 Active
ArrowRepelIcon.png Arrow Repel Shoot a target to inflict 150% damage and push it back 6 cells. 1 Offensive

Leveling Spots & Tips

As Archer

Opinions are divided, but, usually it is advisable to raise Double Strafing in first place and move forward with the branch of skills, so that in last place Improve Concentration is raised, without forgetting that Arrow Shower should be raised as the last skill, we are talking about priority skills to raise, arrow shower at least at this time lacks utility compared to other skills.

Archer's Leveling Route:
Monsters Recommended level End level Notes Map

12 30
  1. In first levels, beware of poporings, Familiar can be a bit annoying.
  2. Silver Arrows, almost everything is undead.
Area: Payon Cave

- Payon Cave F1

12 30 Since spores give Strawberry and Blue herbs it is quite useful to get SP resources. Area: Payon Field

- Payon Field 1

Archer Skeleton
Soldier Skeleton
35 50
  1. Loot valuable in general for early levels, apple of archer is useful and Skeleton cards have their market.
  2. Be careful not to kill more than 1 at a time in the beginning.
  3. Nice loot and cards for Archer class.
  4. Silver Arrows needed.
Area: Payon Forest

- pay_dun0

30 50
  1. Wolves have a huge source of consumables both sp and hp, so it is an excellent area to leveling, unfortunately the initial zeny is not very useful.
  2. Fire Arrows.
Area: Payon Forest

- Pay_fild02

40 60
  1. The experience is decent, beware of the only nine tail on the map.
  2. Silver Arrows
Area: Payon Cave

- Payon Cave F3

40 60+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Keep a distance of at least 3 cells and you will be safe.
  3. It is not recommended to kill more than 1 at a time in early levels or without SP.
  4. You can easily reach Einbroch if you buy a teleport scroll at the Gold Shop.

- Einbroch Field

Mi Gao  
40 60+
  1. Nice Exp.
  2. Keep a distance.
  3. In first levels, always give priority to kill Mantis close to you.
  4. You can easily reach Louyang if you buy a teleport scroll at the Gold Shop, or going Alberta.

- Louyang Field

Gear Progression

Start by buying a Composite Bow (2,500z) at Payon's armory, hold steady until you have enough for at least a Cross Bow (17,000z), then you can upgrade to a Gakkung Bow (42,000z) or you can simply save enough zeny (64,000z) to get a Hunter Bow once you change classes.

Job 40 or higher

To change class you must at least be job 41 (40 is necessary but 41 is recommended) and be able to upgrade most of the mandatory skills for your class, once you are reborn you can choose to upgrade Arrow Shower to level 9, but again, it is optional.
