Biolab F4 Equipment

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Skill Description Type
PhantomThrustIcon.png Phantom Thrust Spear Exclusive Skill. The rune knight strikes a target from far away, pulling that target towards the user. Supportive
SpearCannonIcon.png Spear Cannon Launch a cannonball with a spear, dealing ranged physical damage to a single target. Offensive
ArrowStormIcon.png Arrow Storm Rain down a barrage of arrows on a targeted area, dealing damage to all enemies within the area of effect. Offensive
RollingCutterIcon.png Rolling Cutter Spin rapidly, damaging all enemies around the user. Offensive
SevereRainstormIcon.png Severe Rainstorm Shoots a raining volley of arrows to continually deal damage to all enemies in a 11x11 area around the targeted location. Damage is increased with caster's DEX, AGI and Base Level. . Offensive
TriangleShotIcon.png Triangle Shot Fire three arrows simultaneously at a single target Offensive
CantoCandidusIcon.png Canto Candidus Supportive
SkyNetBlowIcon.png Sky Net Blow Strike with a powerful blow from above, dealing heavy damage to a single target. Offensive
ClementiaIcon.png Clementia Casts Blessing (at the highest level learned on said skill) on party members in a 3 cell radius around you. Supportive
CartCannonIcon.png Cart Cannon Shoots a Cannon Ball from the Cart to deal damage to all enemies in a 3x3~7x7 area around the target. Offensive
AxeTornadoIcon.png Axe Tornado Swing an axe in a circular motion, striking all enemies around the user. Offensive
PsychicWaveIcon.png Psychic Wave Unleash a wave of psychic energy, damaging all enemies in a straight line in front of the caster. Offensive
MarshOfAbyssIcon.png Marsh of Abyss Conjure a pool of dark energy that slows and damages enemies within its radius. Offensive