Christmas Celebration (Xmas 2024 Event)

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Here we will detail all the information related to the 2024 Christmas Event. Features will be added as they are implemented on the server, so make sure to visit this page frequently to stay updated!

The event will take place from December 7, 2024, to January 10, 2025 (inclusive) and will consist of a single phase with additional content implemented on special dates.


Horror Toy Factory

The Horror Toy Factory is an official challenging instance dungeon that Adventures RO has adapted, featuring a dark twist on the traditional Toy Factory.

The once cheerful Toy Factory has been corrupted by dark forces, turning it into a nightmarish place filled with haunted toys and sinister creatures. You are tasked with uncovering the cause of the corruption and stopping the source of the evil.

For more information please check the Horror Toy Factory Page.

Town Invasions

Antonio (Fake Santa) spawn

Invasions will take place every thirty minutes between the cities Alberta, Aldebaran, Geffen, Hugel, Izlude and Prontera in a completely random way.

In case that players do not defeat all the minions of an invasion, one minute before the next one begins the monsters will leave the city.

Sprite Monster ID HP Mode Qty Drops
Christmas Antonio
2901 50 Non-Attacker, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) 1
Xmas Cookie Bag (5) 100%, Rune Crystal (5) Bag 50%, Santa's Bag (Temporary Skin) 50%, Sweet Candy Cane 10%, Xmas Costume Gift Box 1%
Christmas Goblin
2902 20 Non-Attacker, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) 9
Xmas Cookie 100%, Rune Crystal 50%, Xmas Firecracker 50%, Festie Cookie 20%, Flora Cookie 20%, Snow Cookie 20%, Winter Cookie 20%, Sweet Candy Cane 1%
Christmas Jakk
2903 20 Non-Attacker, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) 20
Xmas Cookie 100%, Xmas Firecracker 20%, Festie Cookie 10%, Flora Cookie 10%, Rune Crystal 10%, Sweet Candy Cane 1%
Christmas Orc
2904 20 Non-Attacker, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) 20
Xmas Cookie 100%, Xmas Firecracker 20%, Snow Cookie 10%, Winter Cookie 10%, Rune Crystal 10%, Sweet Candy Cane 1%

Fields Invasions

In the fields and dungeons you can find a very special Smokies that will reappear every five minutes after being eliminated.

Image ID Name Level HP Element Race Class Exp/Jexp (x1) Def/Mdef Attack Mode Drops Spawn
2380 Christmas Smokie 1 20 Brute Earth Monster 500 / 250 10/10 135-270 Rreceive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other)
Xmas Cookie 50%, Xmas Firecracker 10%, C Santa Hat 1%, Sweet Candy Cane 1%, C Cat Santa Hat 0.10%
x5: each 5 minutes in dungeons and fields maps

Special Drops

Sprite ID Name Position Temporary Status (Xmas Event)
19976.png 19976 Costume Cat Santa Hat Upper ASPD +10%, Increases Movement Speed by 25%
19982.png 19982 Costume Santa Hat Upper None

Seasonal Quests

Exchanging Xmas Cookies

Xmas Rewards (Santa Claus) NPC

During the Christmas season massive mobs in the world will appears and give differente chances to drop a Xmas Cookies. It can be used for the Santa Claus who is visiting the Xmas Event Plaza to create exclusive gifts.

Costumes with temporary effects

A list of Costumes with temporary effects will be available to be obtained randomly exchanging Xmas Cookies' to the Santa's NPC.

The effects of these can be improved by combining one from Level 1 and another from the previous Level you wish to reach. Example: Level 1 Costume + Level 3 Costume = Level 4 Costume.

The maximum upgrade level is 5.

List of Obtainable Costumes and the effects achieved by upgrading:

Sprite Name Position Effect during Event Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Costume Candy Bag Pack (BLU).bmp Costume Blue Candy Bag Pack Robe MAX SP +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% + Falling Snow Visual Effect
Costume Candy Bag Pack (BRN).bmp Costume Brown Candy Bag Pack Robe DEF/MDEF +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 + Falling Snow Visual Effect
Costume Candy Bag Pack (GRN).bmp Costume Green Candy Bag Pack Robe MAX HP +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% + Falling Snow Visual Effect
Costume Candy Bag Pack (PRP).bmp Costume Purple Candy Bag Pack Robe Experience Gained +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% + Falling Snow Visual Effect
Costume Candy Bag Pack (PNK).bmp Costume Pink Candy Bag Pack Robe Drop Received +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% + Falling Snow Visual Effect
Costume Candy Bag Pack (YLW).bmp Costume Yellow Candy Bag Pack Robe ATK/MATK +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% + Falling Snow Visual Effect

Additionally, x3 repeated Costumes can be exchanged for x1 New Random Costume.

Christmas Gift Box

For lovers of more pixelated and traditional costumes, there is a special Gift Box that can be created through the NPC himself and that will drop one of the following items:

Note: The drop chance is the same in all cases.

Exchanging Bloody Coins

Billy The Golden Hands


Image Name Effect How to Obtain
Closed Mind

A fast closed small box created by her dreadful loneliness.
Now it can be opened.
Type: Consumable
Weight: 100

7642.png Bloody Coin x100
Lush Rose [1]
  • Matk + 3%.
  • Matk +1% For every 3 refinements.
  • Restores 120 HP to the user when a monster is killed by a magical attack.
  • Drains 75 HP from the user every 5 seconds.
7642.png Bloody Coin x500
C Lush Rose
  • Costume [No effects]
7642.png Bloody Coin x1000
C Red Bonnet
  • Costume [ No effects]
7642.png Bloody Coin x500
Old Parasol [3]
  • MATK +4% + 1% every 4 refinements.
  • Enables Soul Strike 10.
  • Required level: 50.
7642.png Bloody Coin x1000
Hot Tea
  • Restores 100 SP.
  • Teleports the player to HTF Entrance NPC.
  • Is hot take care, bro.
  • Weight: 2
7642.png Bloody Coin x7
Sweet Canape
  • Restores 1000 HP
  • Weight: 2
7642.png Bloody Coin x5
Holy Water
  • Blessed water used in sacred ceremonies.
7642.png Bloody Coin x1
Cursed Water
  • Endows the user's weapon with Shadow property for 3 minutes.
7642.png Bloody Coin x1

Closed Mind Box Content

Very Low Rate Low Rate Medium Rate High Rate Really High
  • Celinedressicon.png Celine Dress
  • Celinebroochicon.png Celine's Brooch
Rate: 1 (Very low)
  • Hurtmindicon.png Hurt Mind
  • Kindhearticon.png Kind Heart
  • LushRoseicon.png Lush Rose
Rate: 2 (Low)
  • BloodyBranchicon.png Bloody Branch
  • Ocaicon.png Old Card Album
  • EssenceofPowerfulSoulicon.png Essence of Powerful Soul
Rate: 3 (Medium)
  • Goldicon.png Gold x2
Rate: 4 (Medium)
  • Manaclesicon.png Manacles x10
  • Bloodypageicon.png Bloody Pages x10
Rate: 5 (High)
  • Oldpurpleboxicon.png Old Violet Box
Rate: 6 (High)
  • Kokushiboicon.png 3 Carat Diamond x10
Rate: 7 (High)
  • Amethysticon.png Amethyst x10
  • 7642.png Bloody Coin x5
Rate: 8 (Really High)
  • Hotteaicon.png Hot Tea x5
Rate: 9 (Really High)
  • Sweetcanapeicon.png Sweet Canape x5
Rate: 10 (Really High)

Vagrant Cain

Vagrant Cain has a limited but significant catalog of items. These items require bloody coins and 1 to 3 items to be able to exchange a new equipment more powerful than its predecessor.

Image Name Effect How to Obtain
Celine's Ribbon [1]
  • DEX +3
  • Matk +3% for every 3 refines MATK +1%.
  • Drains 75 hp every 5 seconds and recovers 140 HP per kill.
  • Lushroseicon.png Lush Rose +7
  • 7642.png Bloody Coins x750
Noble Cross
  • Matk +6%.
  • 2% Autocast of Turn Undead 6 when doing damage.
  • 2% Autocast of Signum Crucis 6 when doing damage.
  • 2% Autocast of Angelus 6 when taking damage.
  • Grandcross.png Grand Cross +5
  • 7642.png Bloody Coin x1200
Evil Spirit Glove [1]
  • OLD: Hp +600, Sp +120 => NOW: HP +600 & SP +150
  • Adds a 1% chance of autocast level 1 Dazzle when receiving short-ranged or magical damage.
  • Adds a 1% chance of autocast level 1 Frost Nova when receiving physical damage.
  • Adds a 1% chance of autocast level 1 Mysthical Amplification when perfomingn a magical attack.
  • 7642.png Bloody Coin x750

And one of each of the following items:

  • Hutmindicon.png Hurt Mind
  • Kindhearticon.png Kind Heart
  • RedLanternicon.png Red Lantern.


Snowman Quest

Snowman NPC (prontera,254,81)

More surprises await in Prontera, approach the eventual plaza and look for 'Snowman' who will have some small but rewarding quests for all adventurers.

(C) Bear Hood [During Xmas Event: Critical Damage +10% - Movement Speed +25%]

 [31027 ] Costume Pretty Bear (1)
 [415562] Stuffed Bear Skin (100)
 [12490 ] Christmas Music Box (25)

(C) Xmas Teddy Bear Hood [During Xmas Event: Flee +10 - Movement Speed +25%]

 [31166 ] Costume Teddy Bear Hood (1)
 [415562] Stuffed Bear Skin (25)
 [12490 ] Christmas Music Box (25)
 [ 7034 ] Red Stocking (10)

(C) Snowman Hat [No effect]

 [31887 ] Costume Pure Scarf (1)
 [23551 ] Festi Cookie (25)
 [23552 ] Flora Cookie (25)
 [23549 ] Snow Cookie  (25)
 [23550 ] Winter Cookie (25)

(C) Snowman Experience [During Xmas Event: Atk & MAtk +5% , drop rate +5%]

 [401247] C Snowman Hat (1)
 [22516 ] Black As Night Piece (200)
 [12490 ] Christmas Music Box (25)
 [ 7644 ] Unsent Letter (10)
 [ 7640 ] Bloody Hairpin Decoration (1)

(C) Santa Teddy Bear Doll Bag [No effect]

 [31132 ] Costume Christmas Wreath (1)
 [401246] C Twin Pom Red Santa Hat (1)
 [415562] Stuffed Bear Skin (1000)


This is a limited-duration special event that allows the creation of Slotted Sunglasess in exchange for an item collecting quest.

The NPC will be available until January 10, 2025.


Sunglasses Trader NPC

1. Talk to Sunglasses Trader NPC in the Main Office (main_office,92,28) or Prontera's Event Plaza (prontera,242,73).

2. Accepting the deal, the NPC will resquest the following list of items/zeny:

- x25 Ancient Rough Runestone
- x25 Gold
- x25 Four Leaf Clover
- x50 2carat Diamond
- x50 Izidor
- x100 Amethyst
- x100 Aquamarine
- x200 Event Coin
- x200 Rune Crystal
- x300 Soft Feather
- x10,000,000 Zeny

3. After bringing to him the requested items/zeny, the NPC will give you a Slotted Sunglasses.

Caution: The sunglasses obtained by this NPC cannot be traded with other characters. You also won't be able to use some special services like the Card Remover with this item. It is also not possible to create more than one item per account.

Special Days

During the Christmas and New Year celebration, there will be special dates when the rates will be slightly increased. Don't miss out!


Dec 21 to Dec 23: Floating Rates XL Weekend

During these dates, the weekend boosted experience rates event will be extended, lasting through Monday (inclusive).

Dec 24 to Dec 25: Special Rates Event

During these dates, a larger-than-usual boosted rates event will take place! Experience will be increased by +30% and drops by +20%.

Dec 26 to Dec 30: Floating Rates XL Weekend

During these dates, the weekend boosted experience rates event will be extended, starting on Thursday and lasting through Monday (inclusive).

Dec 31 to Jan 01: Special Rates Event

During these dates, a larger-than-usual boosted rates event will take place! Experience will be increased by +30% and drops by +20%.