Metallic Sound

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Metallicsoundicon.png Metallic Sound
Type: Offensive
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 60 + (Skill Level ร— 2)
Delay: 0,5 Seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 Cells

Metallic Sound (Alt: Metallic Sound) is a new offensive skill currently available while using Winter Set in Winter Dungeon during Winter Event as Gypsy/Minstrel


Emits a loud, high pitched sound to a single target to inflict Neutral property magic damage. The damage of this skill is greatly affected by Musical/Dance Lessons.


(120*skill_lv + 60*music_lessons)%
Level Base Damage (ATK) Range SP Cost
1 120% 9 62


The hits inflicted by this skill do not affect total damage. They only affect its divisibility, which is rounded down.