Mythic Costume Garment Box
A mysterious box that seems to hold a special costume inside.
Opening this box you will have the opportunity to randomly obtain one of more than 250 garment position costume headgears.
The obtainable hats can be usually found in special shops and reward systems, such as the Gachapon Machine, Cash Shop, Wish Shop, MvP Shop, and Special Events. Although some cannot be obtained in any other way and are exclusive.
The Mythic Costume Garment Box can be obtained as follows:
- For a limited time it can be obtained by the Donation Rewards.
All boxes will contain the following items:
- x1 Random Garment Costume
High probability
The items of this probability are the ones that will usually come out when opening one of the boxes and there is a great variety.
Medium probability
Items with this probability are a little rarer than those with high probability because they have animation or movement effects.
Animated Wings
Low Probability
Items with this probability are the most difficult to obtain as they are exclusive, from special events or have a high cost of ingame value.