Puzzle Piece

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Puzzle Piece.bmp The Puzzle Piece is a unique item that allows you to unlock Costume Scrolls obtained as Donation Milestones and select an item from within them.

To redeem certain rewards, youโ€™ll need to collect multiple Puzzle Pieces. Higher-tier costumes, which are rarer or more valuable, will require a greater number of pieces.

Ways to Obtain Puzzle Pieces

  1. By reaching Donation Milestones.
  2. Through Daily Login Rewards in-game.

Important Notes

  • Puzzle Pieces cannot be traded between players.
  • Puzzle Pieces obtained through Daily Login Rewards come with restrictions:
  - The rewards obtained from these Scrolls are non-tradable.  
  - These pieces cannot be combined with those obtained through donations.  

This system ensures a balance between accessibility and exclusivity, rewarding both consistent play and contributions to the server.