Swirling Petal

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SwirlingPetalicon.png Swirling Petal
Type: Offensive
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 20 + (Skill Level ร— 4)
Delay: 0.5 seconds , 3 seconds cooldown
Target: Enemy
Range: 11
AOE: 7x7
Weapon: Huuma Shuriken

Swirling Petal (Alt: Swirling Petal) is a new offensive skill currently available while using Winter Set in Winter Dungeon during Winter Event as Ninja.


Throw your Huuma Shuriken to cause ranged physical damage in a 7x7 area. Damage is increased by skill level, caster's STR stat. Every level of Throw Huuma Shuriken learned increases the final damage.


(150*skill_lv + STR + Throw_Huuma_lv*100)%
Level Base Damage (ATK) Range SP Cost
1 150% 11 24


  • Requires a Huuma Shuriken to be equipped.
  • Takes on element of the equipped Huuma Shuriken or any temporary elemental enchantment used.
  • Accuracy of skill is based on DEX, per normal.