Valentine's Day Event

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Valentine's Event Quest NPC

The Valentine's Day Event is a Seasonal Mini-Event that takes place once a year around February 14th and usually lasts for two weeks. During this period, players will be able to complete a quest to obtain exclusive themed costumes that cannot be obtained through any other means.

Year 2025 Version


During this year the Event will be celebrated from February 08 to February 23.


  1. Head to the event NPC located in the center of Prontera (prontera,163,144) and deliver the items/zeny you need to create a random costume egg scrolls.


Valentine Scroll A

- x100 Burning Heart
- x100 Glacial Heart
- x100 Flame Heart
- x100 Event Coin
- x5,000,000 Zeny

Valentine Scroll B

- x100 Glacial Heart
- x100 Flame Heart
- x100 Stone Heart
- x100 Event Coin
- x5,000,000 Zeny

Valentine Scroll C

- x100 Flame Heart
- x100 Stone Heart
- x100 Wooden Heart
- x100 Event Coin
- x5,000,000 Zeny

Valentine Scroll D

- x100 Burning Heart
- x100 Glacial Heart
- x100 Flame Heart
- x100 Stone Heart
- x100 Wooden Heart
- x100 Event Coin
- x5,000,000 Zeny

Available Rewards

The quest will allow you to create a Valentine Costume Scroll of type A, B, C or D.

The difference between each of these is that inside it will provide a random chance to deliver headgears of Upper, Middle, Lower or Garment position, depending on the type chosen.

Valentine Scroll A

Valentine Scroll B

Valentine Scroll C

Valentine Scroll D