Half Anniversary Festival (2024)
Half Anniversary Festival is a seasonal event commemorating having reached half a year online.
The event has three implementation phases and a duration of entire month, held from May 01, 2024 to May 31, 2024.
All NPCs are located in the Prontera's Event Plaza.
Entire Season
Attendance Rewards
For each account you connect each day you will receive rewards that this month will be better than ever.
From May 1st to May 31st, you will receive an incredible reward.
- 200 Light White Potions
- 100 Light Blue Potions
- Boarding Halter Box (3D) & (7D)
- Infinite Fly & Butterfly wing box (3D) & (7D)
- x100 Event Coins
- x15 Kafra Cards & Tool Dealer Bells
- Vip Ticket (3D) & (7D)
- Rune Stone & Mythic Rune Stone
- x2 Battle & Job Manuals.
- Exclusive May Attendance Costume Box.
Note: The rewards are Account Bound, if you do not get all the daily logins during the month of May this will not be accumulated or maintained for the following month if there is a new daily login.
Half Anniversary Stores
The Cash, Event and Wish Shop will be painted for their half-anniversary, including a large and extensive catalog of headgears and costumes that have shined during the last six months.
The Mythic Gachapon, although it will not arrive early, will also have a very special banner.
Rotating NPC
Rotating NPC Events will be available throughout the Festival season. A unique opportunity to reap its benefits for a entire month.
Special Auctions
Every week there will be special auctions that will end on Sundays. Items of great value will be made available to the players and whoever bets the most will win it each time.
- First auction: Fox Ears Bell Ribbon
Highest bid: 250 Zeny Auction Coins, by Kaela Kovalskia.
- Second auction: Divine Phoenix
Highest bid: 750 Zeny Auction Coins, by Wala Wares
- Third auction: TBA
- Fourth auction: TBA.
Phase 1
Available starting May 07, 2024
Anniversary Summons
During the event some exclusive anniversary mobs will make their appearance, which may end in the summoning of other special mobs with higher resistance and better rewards.
Image | ID | Name | Level | HP | Element | Race | Class | Exp/Jexp (x1) | Def/Mdef | Attack | Mode | Normal Drop | Global Drop (all active players in same map) | MvP Reward Drop (player w/highest accumulated damage) | Spawn |
3167 | Cake Poring | 1 | 10 | Neutral | Formless | Monster | 500 / 250 | 10/10 | 135-270 | Looter, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) | x1 Anniversary Coin (100%), x1 Birthday Firecracker (60%), x1 Anniversary Cake (40%), x1 Macaroon (20%), x1 Set Bar Cookies (1%), x1 Anniversary Rune Stone (0.10%) | None | None | x1~10: each 5 minutes in dungeons and fields maps | |
3811 | Goldring | 50 | 1,000 | Neutral | Formless | Mini Boss | 10,000 / 5,000 | 100/100 | 0 | Non-Attacker, receive 1 damage (phyiscal/magic/ranged/other) | x20 Anniversary Coin (100%), x50 Event Coin (10%) | x10 Anniversary Coin (100%), x1 Music Sheet (60%), x20 Event coin (40%), x1 Set Bar Cookies (20%), x1 Bloody Branch (1%) | None | x1: after defeating x300 Cake Poring | |
3810 | King Poring | 99 | 10,000,000 | Ghost | Formless | MvP | 5,000,000 / 2,500,000 | 50/50 | 1000-10000 | Aggressive | None | x20 Anniversary Coin (100%), x50 Event Coin (40%), x10 Rune Crystal (20%), x1 (C) Happy Balloon (1%) | x3 Rune Stone 60%, x1 Old Card Album 30%, x1 Synergy Stone 10% | x1: 10% chance after defeating x1 Goldring |
Anniversary Event Kafra
A very special Event Kafra that brings back costumes and items highly sought after by players, some of them temporarily available during the year in Event, Instance or Half Anniversary reward stores.
Category | Content | Price Range |
Past Anniversary Special Costumes | Anniversary Costumes with Temporary Effects | 500~1000 Anniversary Coins |
Event Shop Featured Costumes | Costumes that can be recolored/were part of Limited Catalogues of Event Shop | 1000 Anniversary Coins |
Cute Pet Accesories | Accesories for Cute Pets | 1000 Anniversary Coins |
Cute Pet Evolution Requirements | Neccesary items to evolve Cute Pets | 500 Anniversary Coins |
Cute Pet Taming | Neccesary items to capture Cute Pets | 250 Anniversary Coins |
(C) Happy Balloon Mini Quest
There is no festival without balloons! A King Poring exclusively brings eight types of Costume Happy Balloon in different colors, each with special temporary effects that will last the entire event.
You can get a random costume for only x300 Anniversary Coins and if you have had bad luck searching the color/effect you want, you can also exchange x3 repeated Balloons for a new one.
There's the list of available costumes with temporary stats:
Great Baphomet Quests (Flaming Majestic Goat)
The well-known NPC that usually visits us on Halloween will visit us to offer the possibility of providing a visual effect and color to your Majestic Goat, Majestic Goat[1] or Giant Majestic Goat.
Soul Expander Quests (3rd/4th Class Skin)
An NPC exclusive to the event will appear to provide a unique opportunity to acquire all current 3rd/4th job skins that players want so much to have.
Streamer Gifts
Do you enjoy watching our Adventures RO content creators? From this phase onwards, some of them will have special reward codes and giveaways during their lives. Don't miss them!
- Saturday (night): https://www.twitch.tv/dazh05
- Sunday (afternoon): https://www.twitch.tv/walopi
Schedules are expressed in Server Time (GMT -3).
Phase 2
Available starting May 11, 2024
Anniversary Gachapon

A very special gacha will be available from this phase until the end of the event, located at (Prontera 229,84)
This gacha is for high-level prizes with different probability percentages and will only be available during the event. To pull it you must have at least one Anniversary Rune Stone, which is dropped by the Cake Porings of the event with very low probability.
Memoria (Memory Dungeon)
For a limited time, a special and exclusive instance debuts in Adventures RO this season.
A space between reality and non-reality created through the crystallization of memories. It is rumored of the existence of a characteristic entity within Memory with a mission for those who want to accept it.
For more info please visit Memoria (Memory Dungeon)
Videos (Gameplay)
Video Guide Credits: Ragnabuild Youtube's Channel
Half Anniversary Day
Experience and Gold PC Boost Event
Sunday, May 26, 2024 is the exact day that our server will reach two and half years online.
During this day the experience and drop rates will be increased as they rarely are, rising by 40% and 20% respectively. Likewise, the Gold PC will also be increased, generating double points for each hour played.
Surprise Release
We have prepared a big surprise for this day but like all surprises they must remain a secret.